Check that MAINS power supply is outputting correct voltage prior to shipping.

Required Material:
Digital Multimeter
Neutrix Connector Cable with one end of Neutrix cable unscrewed
  1. Ensure Power Cable and Neutrix connector cable is connected to MAINS Power Supply
  2. Plug Power Cable into wall outlet
  3. Connect Red Lead of multimeter to +1 terminal
    • Note:  Where red wire is connected to back end of Neutrix connector
  4. Connect Black Lead to -1 terminal
    • Note:  Where black wire is connected to back end of Neutrix connector
  5. Verify voltage is between 13.8V to 14V
  6. If voltage is in range, place green sticker on box and return to Procurement or shelf location
  7. If voltage is out of range, quarantine power supply and inform Procurement